Past Events
Looking Back
Workshop on SDGs & Innovation
July 24, 2021
The session started with introductory remarks from Ms Indrani Sharma from YICA, followed by discussion on SDGs and Innovation led by Mr. Keshav Gupta from The Dais. The session also provided an opportunity for the Innovators to interact and network with each other during break out rooms moderated by The Dais team, Ms. Jasmine Susan Jose, Ms. Muskan Ajitsaria, Ms. Aastha Vyas, Ms. Anoushka Vellara, Ms. Dhwani Shah, Ms. Manvi Nagpal and Mr. Yuvraj Rallapalli.
The session focused on building understanding around how Innovation is related to SDGs and how Innovators can create impact and align together with with SDGs towards a better world and a better India.
It is critical to empower youth to lead SDG Action through various initiatives and We would like to thank all the wonderful participants, our partners and colleagues for an extremely enriching experience for all of us.
Being Ram Dass: India Book Launch with Rameshwar Das
July 10, 2021
We were privileged to host the India release of Being Ram Dass on the 10th July with Rameshwar Das.
The event saw a moving tribute to the Life of Baba Ram Dass by Devesh Gupta, from Emerge, followed by an insightful conversation about Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba and Being Ram Dass. Rameshwar Das, Co-author of the Book, also read out a few passages from the book for the audience and gave us an interesting peak from his perspective.
This was followed by an interactive session by our amazing audience.
We are grateful to you for taking out your time, patiently facilitating the space for the speaker to reflect during the conversation and enriching the discussion through your insightful questions. We hope that your participation was meaningful to you and you went back with learnings and remembering Ram Dass and his legacy.
Video of the Session
The complete video of the conversation is available at The Dais Youtube and will be made available at ramdass.org in the coming time.
Dialogue & Exchange between India and Brazil: Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Indigenous & Tribal Communities in India and Brazil - Challenges & Solutions
26th June 2021
Hosted by The Dais, Ekjut India & Brasilindia
Virtually hosted on Zoom, Live-streamed on Facebook
Register at: www.thedais.co.in/events
Covid 19 Pandemic has affected most developing countries around the world, India and Brazil have been most severely affected nations with the pandemic still raging leaving millions of people vulnerable with not just health affects of covid, but also of access to food, education, employment opportunities. India and Brazil are home to several indegenous and tribal communities which have faced the brunt of Covid, natural disasters, poverty with several reports of increase in deforestation and trafficking of natural resources due to the situation created by the Pandemic.
Buddha Purnima Celebrations: Chanting & A Discussion on Early Life of Buddha & Lessons for today
May 26, 2021
The Dais & Partners hosted Buddha Purnima Celebration with Chanting, Music & Discussion on Early Life of Buddha & Lessons for Today on the 26th May In Association with The Eternal Sound, Kashi Yoga Festival, International Chandramauli Charitable Trust & Emerge
The session started with Ms. Jasmine Susan Jose from The Dais introducing Prabhu Ji and Sanj Hall who mesmerized everyone with chants for the auspicious day. This was followed by a talk by Sadhvi Divya Prabha about the early life of Buddha and the experiences which led him towards the path of enlightenment and how we can imbibe those lessons in our lives.
After the talk, Sanj Hall and Prabhu Ji led twenty minutes of chatting and music for all the attendees and viewers.
We are extremely grateful to all our speakers, artists and partners for such a memorable and enriching evening!
You can catch the celebrations on The Dais Facebook Page at The Dais
Session on Innovations in SDG4: Quality Education at Technofest 2021, Philippines
May 28, 2021
The Dais led a session on Innovation in SDG 4: Quality Education, with insightful presentations during #TechnoTalks at TechnoFest, TechnoFest 2021: TechnoTalks hosted by FEU Institute of Technology, FEU Dillman and FEU Alabang!
The session was attended by over 400 young change-makers and experts on Zoom and Facebook Live.
We would like to thank our partners, organizers, all the attendees and all our wonderful speakers for an enriching session!
- Session Introduction by Mr. Keshav Gupta, Founder, The Dais
- Design Thinking led by Mrs. Rupa Chakravarty, Director of Education, Suncity Schools, India
- Industry & Innovation by Mr. Ajay Poddar, Managing Director, Syenergy Environics Ltd, India
- Role of Universities in Achievement of SDGs by Dr. Edrees Tambasum, Academic - Vice Chancellor, Taj University, Afghanistan
- The Dais SDG Labs Program by Ms. Jasmine Susan Jose, Director, The Dais SDG Labs, India
Assisted by Ms. Manvi Nagpal, Ms. Anoushka Vellara from The Dais
The Dais SDG Lab powered by Rana University, Kabul, Afghanistan : Signing of Memorandum of Understanding
May 17, 2021
The need to empower youth for a better future is connected to elevating a nation as well as equipping them to handle the challenges that the SDG’s have laid on a global front. The Dais & Rana University along with partners from Academia and Civil Society from Afghanistan, Indonesia and India gathered together towards setting up of The Dais SDG Lab at Rana University, Afghanistan.
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
May 21, 2021
The Dais in association with Lawngitude - Solicitors and Advocates celebrated the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on the 21st May 2021, through an Webinar on the theme ‘Cultural Diversity, its challenges and importance in this Era’ and a mesmerizing musical performance by Sanj Hall.
In 2002, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in its resolution 57/249, declared 21 May to be World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.
Moderator: Khyati Amlani, Master of Ceremony: Sugyata Choudhary
- Sanj Hall is a traveling gong yogi, sound artist and a gong teacher.
- Ms. Raina Khatri Tandon is a International acclaimed speaker Mentor who has been on various conferences and summits representing India on Gender Equality, Women and child Rights & Inclusiveness.
- Mr. Tejas Lakhani is currently a learning facilitator at a correctional centre in Australia and has founded his social enterprise called “Culture of Happiness”.
- Ms. Piera Van de Wiel is a singer-songwriter, actor, filmmaker and founder of her company Stronger With Music.
- Mr. Rishu is a Management Consultant and D&I Champion. Rishu is Board of Director to RWS-India's Diverse Chamber working for LGBTQ Empowerment.