Gurugram Model United Nations
An Initiative of District Administration Gurugram with The Dais & M3M Foundation
Gurugram Model United Nations Program is aimed at developing in government school students of Gurugram District an understanding of the United Nations, its functioning and decision making. The program includes building skills and knowledge with students and teachers from Government Schools in Gurugram through guides, interactive workshops and Model UN conferences along with feedback sessions and virtual discussions with students in the 14 - 17 years age group. The program also aims at using Model UN as a platform for sensitisation and discussion on Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This program specifically creates a focus on issues and themes under SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality & SDG 13: Climate Action with the students.
123 students from across 12 schools in the district have been selected based on their aptitude and interest in public speaking and social science. These students have received an orientation to the functioning of the UN and the role of delegates. They have also been familiarised with the concept of MUNs and have participated in mock speeches on the agenda decided for the MUN.
Impact of the activity
Quantitative impact
123 students across 12 government schools were trained and participated in MUNs in the month of July
These students prepared speeches and discussed on 2 global issues: the importance of political representation of women and the threat caused by single use plastics
3 MUNs were conducted, 2 at the block level and one at the district level, with major government stakeholders attending as guests
Post the completion of these MUNs, the project is envisioned to scale up through the setting up of MUN clubs in the 50 schools in the district, from where the activity can be popularised in other government schools of the district

Workshops at Block Level
With over 120 Students from 12 Schools across Gurugram over 2 Days
The training sessions for the students were hosted on the 30th and 31st May 2022 at Gurugram and Farukkh Nagar spread over the working day of the school.
The two centres each saw 60 students and 6 teachers from 6 schools participate respectively.
The sessions were facilitated by two members from The Dais along with CMGGA Gurugram for the respective centres. The students were also provided with presentations and a short handbook with the details of the topics covered during the program and the relevant information for the Model UN topics.
The topics and minute to minute program for the session is mentioned hereunder -
Workshop Flow for Students:
Duration: 6 Hours
Introduction to Model UN and United Nations
Rule of Procedure, Foreign Policy, Research in MUN
Diplomacy, Speech Making, Resolution Writing
Mock Session for Practical Experience
30th May
08.00 AM: Introduction to the Workshop, Ice-breaker
08.10 AM: United Nations and Its Functioning, United Nations & India, United Nations and Youth
08.30 AM: What is Model UN: Overview + Video on MUN
08.45 AM: United Nations and Model UN: Similarities and Uniqueness
09.00 AM: Functioning of the United Nations
09.30 AM: Mock Session + QnA
10.00 AM: Break
10.30 AM: Mock Session + QnA
11.00 AM: Flow of Debate: Formal Debate, Informal Debate
12.20 PM: Home Work
31st May
08.00 AM: Q n A, Introduction to the Day 2
08.15 AM: Research, Resolution Writing
10.00 AM: Break
10.30 AM: Foreign Policy, Speech Making, Position Paper (Cont.)
11.30 AM: Mock Session
12.00 PM: Countries for the Block Level Session, Next Steps
Feedback from the Students:
95% students rated their experience as 4 on a scale of 5.
At least 90% of students expressed their desire to participate in Model UN after the workshops.
95.5% students were able to understand the discussions in the workshops.
95.5% students said that the trainers were able to address all their doubts and questions.

Block Level Model UN
With over 120 Students from 12 Schools across Gurugram over 2 Days
12th July 2022
The block level MUN conferences were conducted on 12th July 2022, at GMSSSS Gurugram and GSSS Bhora Kalan. Around 120 students, 30 from each educational block of the district (representing 12 schools) participated in the conference.
The conference had 2 committees - the UN General Assembly and UNESCO where the delegates spoke on agendas related to Women Empowerment and Waste Management. Sub Divisional Magistrate Gurugram, Ankita Choudhary IAS and Sub Divisional Magistrate Pataudi, Pradeep Kumar HCS delivered the opening address at GMSSSS Gurugram and GSSS Bhora Kalan respectively. Chief Minister's Good Governance Associates Gurugram - Aravind and Sukhda, Keshav Gupta (Founder, The Dais), BEO Pataudi Dr. Dharam Pal and BEO Gurugram Sheel Kumari were present at the conference.
The following students were awarded at the conference:
UN General Assembly:
Best Delegate - Sita (GGSSS Bhondsi)
High Commendation - Rambati (GGSSS Sohna)
Special Mention - Riya (GGSSS Manesar)
Best Delegate - Nikita (GMSSSS Gurugram)
High Commendation - Khushi (GGSSS Sohna)
Special Mention - Harsh Raj (GBSSS Bhondsi)
MUN GSSS Bhora Kalan
UN General Assembly:
Best Delegate - Nidhi (GSSS Bhangrola)
High Commendation - Aerab (GSSS Bhangrola)
Special Mention - Kanchan (GSSS Jamalpur)
Best Delegate - Rahul (GMSSSS Farukhnagar)
High Commendation - Pooja (GSSS Bhangrola)
Special Mention - Raj Kumari (GSSS Jamalpur)

District Level Model UN
With over 70 Students from 12 Schools across Gurugram
18th July 2022
70 out of the 120 block-level MUN delegates were selected for the district level finals.
The conference hosted 2 committees – the UN General Assembly and UNESCO where the students, assigned as delegates of different countries, spoke on agendas related to “the representation of women at all levels of governance” and “the importance of sustainable waste management practices”.
The closing ceremony and award distribution was chaired by Nishant Kumar Yadav, Deputy Commissioner Gurugram, Dr. Payal Kanodia, Trustee, M3M Foundation and Dr. Aishwarya Mahajan, President, M3M Foundation in the presence of Mr. Keshav Gupta (founder, The Dais) and the Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associates Gurugram. The following students were awarded certificates by the chief guests: Best Delegate (UNGA) – Bhavna (delegate of India) from GGSSS Sohna, High Commendation (UNGA) – Kanchan (delegate of Thailand) from GSSS Jamalpur, Special Mention (UNGA) – Aerab (delegate of Pakistan) from GSSS Bhangrola, Best Delegate (UNESCO) – Harshraj (delegate of Spain) from GBSSS Bhondsi, High Commendation (UNESCO) – Bhavya (delegate of Indonesia) from GGSSS Bhondsi and Special Mention (UNESCO) – Manju (delegate of Japan) from GMSSSS Gurugram. The teachers from each participating school, and the Executive Board chairing each committee were also felicitated by the dignitaries.
Speaking at the award ceremony, DC Gurugram said that this initiative, a first of its kind in Haryana has been made possible by the collaborative efforts of the Education Department, education-oriented organisations like The Dais and partners like M3M foundation.
He applauded the efforts of all teachers involved, and appealed to the students to make use of this unique platform to gather knowledge from across the world and mould themselves as global citizens.
Dr. Payal Kanodia, Trustee, M3M Foundation, appreciated the efforts taken by the students and the teachers, and encouraged them to utilise the problem solving skills they have developed through this activity in identifying the problems in their villages, documenting these problems and presenting the solutions to the government.