International Day of Education 2022
Join us in the Global Movement with #LearningPlanet Festival for International Day of Education 2022
Hosted by The Dais & Partners
10th December 2021 - 29th January 2022
The Dais is partnering with #LearningPlanet Festival to bring together organizations, experts, youth, global institutions on Future of Education, Sustainability & Education, Well Being, Peace and Climate Action through several global & regional, virtual and in person events, conferences, cultural programs, dialogues, debates towards a better future with education finding it’s right place.

The Dais Global Voices Model UN for Youth
Youth coming together
10th December 2021 - 29th January 2022
For Children & Youth
20 Localised Model UN Simulations
Virtual Global Summit for 100 Shortlisted Change-makers
Workshops with 2000 students on Model UN
Surveys, Polls and Networking between youth
Youth voices showcased through The Dais People’s Network
The Dais Global Yoga Festival
Together in Well-being
24th January - 26th January
Open for all
12 Yoga Sessions over 3 Days
Virtual global stream along with zoom
In person sessions across the world

The Dais Youth Forum on Education & Sustainability
Youth Inspiring Youth
12th December 2021 - 24th January 2022
For Children & Youth
20 National School & University Debates on Role of Technology in Education
10 Intercultural Dialogues & Exchanges between Youth: 3 Key Learnings on SDGs
Launch of the 2nd Edition of The Dais International Youth Awards for SDGs to be awarded during the International Youth Day, August 2022.
The Dais Global Voices Program
A Global Coalition for a Better Future
10th January to 24th January
For All Stakeholders in Education
2 Dialogues on Role of Industry in Future of Education with Industry, Policy Makers Civil Society & University Educators
High Level Dialogue Co-hosted with Foundation for Global Governance & Sustainability (FOGGS), Parents International and COVIDEA - The COVID Education Alliance
Theme: Enterprising education for fit-for-future results: Bringing creativity, social awareness, resilience, problem-solving, participation into education, through entrepreneurial parenting and a refocused education system.
Indigenous Voices, Music and Art from Asia, South America & Africa
Live performances by Artists and Panel with Indigenous Leaders on Role of Traditional Cultures in SDGs

Learning & Action
From Learners to Leaders
For Schools & Universities
Children & Youth
Launch of the Climate Action & Learning Fellowship 2022 with Focus on South Asia
Launch of Financial Literacy Learning Program for Schools & Universities in India
Launch of the Seeds of Change Education Program for School Children in India: Learning Program with Schools for Introducing Children to Gardening at Home
Teacher Training Program for Schools and Universities Globally on Education for SDGs & SDGs for Education

#LearningPlanet Festival
Launched by CRI & UNESCO
Launched in 2020 by CRI and UNESCO and co-organised globally with hundreds of leading organizations from the worlds of art, science, education, social entrepreneurship, etc., the annual #LearningPlanet Festival aims to synchronize the world around the celebration of the International Day of Education.
In January 2021, in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, the Festival went online: 250 sessions were co-organised with participants from 100+ countries, addressing topical issues around learning for sustainable development, redesigning schools with children, creating learning ecosystems, futures of education, etc.
Each year, Festival participants are given the opportunity to experience new meaningful ways of learning, to meet like-minded people, to engage with on-the-ground innovators in their communities and eventually contribute to impactful projects.